Trump cierra la frontera entre Canadá y EU por coronavirus

28 de Marzo de 2025

Trump cierra la frontera entre Canadá y EU por coronavirus

"Estaremos cerrando temporalmente nuestra frontera norte con Canadá al tráfico no esencial", dijo Trump


(FILES) In this file photo US President Donald Trump speaks about the COVID-19 (coronavirus) alongside members of the Coronavirus Task Force in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in Washington, DC, March 9, 2020. - US President Donald Trump said he will hold a news conference on March 18, 2020 on “very important news” from the Food and Drug Administration related to the new coronavirus. Trump, who referred to the disease as the “Chinese virus” in one of a series of tweets, shed no light on the development to be disclosed."I will be having a news conference today to discuss very important news from the FDA concerning the Chinese Virus!” (Photo by Olivier DOULIERY / AFP)



(FILES) In this file photo US President Donald Trump speaks about the COVID-19 (coronavirus) alongside members of the Coronavirus Task Force in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in Washington, DC, March 9, 2020. - US President Donald Trump said he will hold a news conference on March 18, 2020 on "very important news" from the Food and Drug Administration related to the new coronavirus. Trump, who referred to the disease as the "Chinese virus" in one of a series of tweets, shed no light on the development to be disclosed."I will be having a news conference today to discuss very important news from the FDA concerning the Chinese Virus!" (Photo by Olivier DOULIERY / AFP)
Foto: AFP

WASHINGTON, EU. El presidente estadounidense Donald Trump anunció el miércoles el cierre de la frontera con Canadá, aunque subrayó que ello no afectará el comercio.

La medida se suma a la prohibición de ingreso a Estados Unidos de personas desde Europa, China y otras regiones afectadas por la pandemia de coronavirus.

“Estaremos, por mutuo consentimiento, cerrando temporalmente nuestra Frontera Norte con Canadá al tráfico no esencial. El comercio no se verá afectado”, dijo Trump en un tuit en el que añadió que habrá más detalles sobre la medida. NR


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