Querétaro busca adquirir 20 millones de vacunas anticovid

12 de Enero de 2025

Querétaro busca adquirir 20 millones de vacunas anticovid


(FILES) In this file photo taken on November 23, 2020 An undated handout picture released by the University of Oxford, shows a vial of the University’s COVID-19 candidate vaccine, known as AZD1222, co-invented by the University of Oxford and Vaccitech in partnership with pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca. - The University of Oxford and drug manufacturer AstraZeneca have applied to the UK health regulator for permission to roll out their Covid-19 vaccine, Health Minister Matt Hancock said on December 23, 2020. “I’m delighted to be able to tell you that the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine developed here in the UK has submitted its full data package to the MHRA for approval,” he said. (Photo by John Cairns / University of Oxford / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT “AFP PHOTO / UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD / John Cairns " - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - RESTRICTED TO ILLUSTRATING STORIES RELATED TO THE PARTICULAR VACCINE, EVENTS AND FACTS MENTIONED IN THE CAPTION - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS /



(FILES) In this file photo taken on November 23, 2020 An undated handout picture released by the University of Oxford, shows a vial of the University's COVID-19 candidate vaccine, known as AZD1222, co-invented by the University of Oxford and Vaccitech in partnership with pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca. - The University of Oxford and drug manufacturer AstraZeneca have applied to the UK health regulator for permission to roll out their Covid-19 vaccine, Health Minister Matt Hancock said on December 23, 2020. "I'm delighted to be able to tell you that the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine developed here in the UK has submitted its full data package to the MHRA for approval," he said. (Photo by John Cairns / University of Oxford / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD / John Cairns " - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - RESTRICTED TO ILLUSTRATING STORIES RELATED TO THE PARTICULAR VACCINE, EVENTS AND FACTS MENTIONED IN THE CAPTION - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS /
Foto: AFP

AstraZeneca está dispuesta a vender a gobiernos locales su vacuna sí logran adquirir al menos 20 millones de dosis

La empresa AstraZeneca estaría dispuesta a vender a gobiernos locales su vacuna contra el Covid-19 si logran adquirir al menos 20 millones de dosis, afirmó el gobernador de Querétaro, Francisco Domínguez.

“Haremos una carta de intención de arranque, voy a pedir que Querétaro ofrezca una compra de medio millón de vacunas”

La intención de gobernador es comprar 500 mil vacunas para aplicarlas estratégicamente en los habitantes de su estado para permitir que el próximo verano los alumnos puedan regresar a clases.

“Si logramos inmunizarnos rápidamente, estaremos en probabilidad que nuestra niñez y juventud regrese a clases”

Para lograr el objetivo puesto por la empresa farmacéutica, el queretano pretende buscar apoyo de los estados de la Conferencia Nacional de Gobernadores (Conago) y logras así una compra conjunta.


Todo México podría estar vacunado en el segundo semestre del 2021

Mexicanos se vacunan contra la Covid-19 en Estados Unidos