Pence niega haber ‘robado’ información clasificada

17 de Febrero de 2025

Pence niega haber ‘robado’ información clasificada

Mike Pence negó haberse llevado información clasificada, luego de que se encontraran documentos "ultrasecretos" en la mansión de Trump


(FILES) In this file photo taken on April 22, 2020 US President Donald Trump listens to US Vice President Mike Pence speak during the the daily briefing on the novel coronavirus, which causes COVID-19, in the Brady Briefing Room of the White House in Washington, DC. - For three years and 11 months Mike Pence has been Donald Trump’s most devoted footsoldier, but in the administration’s closing weeks the vice president faces intense pressure from his boss to thwart final certification of the election that they lost. US election law dictates that Pence preside over Wednesday’s joint session of Congress, in which lawmakers will count and confirm the Electoral College votes sent in from all 50 states. But avoiding Trump’s wrath -- and that of his all-important base, whose support Pence would need if he launches his own 2024 White House bid -- is a political imperative for the vice president. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN / AFP)



(FILES) In this file photo taken on April 22, 2020 US President Donald Trump listens to US Vice President Mike Pence speak during the the daily briefing on the novel coronavirus, which causes COVID-19, in the Brady Briefing Room of the White House in Washington, DC. - For three years and 11 months Mike Pence has been Donald Trump's most devoted footsoldier, but in the administration's closing weeks the vice president faces intense pressure from his boss to thwart final certification of the election that they lost. US election law dictates that Pence preside over Wednesday's joint session of Congress, in which lawmakers will count and confirm the Electoral College votes sent in from all 50 states. But avoiding Trump's wrath -- and that of his all-important base, whose support Pence would need if he launches his own 2024 White House bid -- is a political imperative for the vice president. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN / AFP)
Foto: AFP

El exvicepresidente de Estados Unidos, Mike Pence, negó haberse llevado información clasificada al termino del mandato de Donald Trump, quien ha sido investigado durante los últimos meses.

A pocos días de que agentes del Buró Federal de Investigación (FBI, por sus siglas en inglés) registraran la mansión de Trump en búsqueda de posibles documentos clasificados, Pence aseguró que él no se llevó nada tras dejar el cargo como vicepresidente.

En entrevista con Associated Press, el republicano de 63 años negó llevarse algún tipo de documento. “No que yo sepa”, contestó.

Foto: AFP

Según documentos judiciales dados a conocer la tarde de este viernes por el Departamento de Justicia, el FBI consiguió incautar archivos “ultrasecretos” durante el allanamiento a Mar-A-Lago, la mansión de Trump.

Cabe destacar que esta no es la única investigación que el expresidente del vecino norte enfrenta, pues lleva meses siendo investigado por el Congreso ante los hechos registrados en el Capitolio, el pasado 6 de enero de 2021.

Tanto Donald Trump como Mike Pence han mostrado interés para postularse a las elecciones presidenciales que Estados Unidos celebrará en 2024. RM

Trump asalto al Capitolio
Foto: AFP

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