Mueren siete menores en naufragio en Nigeria

17 de Febrero de 2025

Mueren siete menores en naufragio en Nigeria

En el país son comunes los naufragios, la sobrecarga y falta de mantenimiento de las embarcaciones forman parte de las causas de su mal funcionamiento


Residents walk along a street in Dapchi, Nigeria, on February 22, 2018. School girls from Dapchi’s Government Girls Science and Technical College were reportedly kidnapped by Boko Haram. Anger erupted in a town in remote northeast Nigeria on February 22 after officials fumbled to account for scores of schoolgirls from the college who locals say have been kidnapped by Boko Haram jihadists. Police said on February 21 that 111 girls from the college were unaccounted for following a jihadist raid late on February 19. Hours later, Abdullahi Bego, spokesman for Yobe state governor Ibrahim Gaidam, said “some of the girls” had been rescued by troops “from the terrorists who abducted them”. But on a visit to Dapchi on Thursday, Gaidam appeared to question whether there had been any abduction. / AFP PHOTO / AMINU ABUBAKAR



Residents walk along a street in Dapchi, Nigeria, on February 22, 2018. School girls from Dapchi's Government Girls Science and Technical College were reportedly kidnapped by Boko Haram. Anger erupted in a town in remote northeast Nigeria on February 22 after officials fumbled to account for scores of schoolgirls from the college who locals say have been kidnapped by Boko Haram jihadists. Police said on February 21 that 111 girls from the college were unaccounted for following a jihadist raid late on February 19. Hours later, Abdullahi Bego, spokesman for Yobe state governor Ibrahim Gaidam, said "some of the girls" had been rescued by troops "from the terrorists who abducted them". But on a visit to Dapchi on Thursday, Gaidam appeared to question whether there had been any abduction. /

Siete niñas de 10 a 12 años murieron ahogadas el jueves por la noche después de que su embarcación naufragara en un río en el estado de Jigawa, en el norte de Nigeria, anunció la policía el sábado.

Las adolescentes regresaban a sus hogares al otro lado del río Gasanya, en el distrito de Auyo, después de una ceremonia religiosa en la que se conmemoraba el nacimiento del profeta Mahoma, dijo el portavoz de la policía de Jigawa, Lawan Shiisu, en un comunicado.

“Tres de ellas fueron salvadas, pero siete murieron”, añadió Shiisu.

Las jóvenes, que estaban “ansiosas por volver a casa”, decidieron alrededor de la medianoche conducir ellas mismas un barco anclado en la orilla, sin capitán, precisó Shiisu.

Los naufragios son frecuentes en los ríos de


La sobrecarga, la falta de mantenimiento de las embarcaciones, el incumplimiento de las normas de seguridad y el mal tiempo son algunas de las principales causas.


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