Llegan más vacunas contra la Covid a México

27 de Enero de 2025

Llegan más vacunas contra la Covid a México


(FILES) In this file photo Dr. Nita Patel, Director of Antibody discovery and Vaccine development, lifts a vial with a potential coronavirus, COVID-19, vaccine at Novavax labs in Gaithersburg, Maryland on March 20, 2020, one of the labs developing a vaccine for the coronavirus, COVID-19. - The CEOs of nine companies developing vaccines against Covid-19 on September 8, 2020 pledged to “uphold the integrity of the scientific process” amid concern Donald Trump will pressure regulators to approve a vaccine ahead of the presidential election in November. “We, the undersigned biopharmaceutical companies, want to make clear our ongoing commitment to developing and testing potential vaccines for COVID-19 in accordance with high ethical standards and sound scientific principles,” said the CEOs.The statement was signed by AstraZeneca, BioNTech, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer and Sanofi. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP)



(FILES) In this file photo Dr. Nita Patel, Director of Antibody discovery and Vaccine development, lifts a vial with a potential coronavirus, COVID-19, vaccine at Novavax labs in Gaithersburg, Maryland on March 20, 2020, one of the labs developing a vaccine for the coronavirus, COVID-19. - The CEOs of nine companies developing vaccines against Covid-19 on September 8, 2020 pledged to "uphold the integrity of the scientific process" amid concern Donald Trump will pressure regulators to approve a vaccine ahead of the presidential election in November. "We, the undersigned biopharmaceutical companies, want to make clear our ongoing commitment to developing and testing potential vaccines for COVID-19 in accordance with high ethical standards and sound scientific principles," said the CEOs.The statement was signed by AstraZeneca, BioNTech, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer and Sanofi. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP)
Foto: AFP

Un nuevo cargamento del biológico llegará mañana a Saltillo y la Ciudad de México

El día de mañana, la Ciudad de México y Saltillo recibirán un nuevo cargamento de vacunas contra la Covid. Del nuevo lote, de 53 mil 625 dosis desarrolladas por Pfizer y BioNTech, 8 mil 775 de las se resguardarán en el Campo Militar 6-A de Saltillo, Coahuila; mientras que las 44 mil 850 restantes se destinarán a la Ciudad de México.

En la capital del país, las vacunas se destinarán a los siguientes puntos: 3 mil 900 para el 23 Batallón de la Guardia Nacional de Chivatito; 5 mil 850 al Batallón de Infantería 81, de Tlalpan; 3 mil 900 mas irán al Hospital Militar de Zona del Campo Militar 1-A; 2 mil 925 al Hospital Militar de Zona El Vergel, Iztapalapa.

De las vacunas restantes, 2 mil 925 serán llevadas al Hospital Central Militar; mil 925 al Polígono de Tepetlapa; 925 al Batallón de Infantería Marina 24, y finalmente 22 mil 425 al Instituto Nacional de Cancerología.

Se espera que las siguientes entregas de vacunas se realicen el 11, 18 y 25 de enero, y que consten de 436 mil 800 dosis cada una. El trato entre el gobierno Federal y la empresa farmacéutica consta de 34 millones 400 mil dosis, que se seguirán entregando de forma escalonada y priorizan al personal de salud y personas de la tercera edad.


