Incendio en hospital Covid deja al menos 10 muertos en Macedonia

12 de Marzo de 2025

Incendio en hospital Covid deja al menos 10 muertos en Macedonia

Las autoridades señalaron que la cifra de víctimas podría subir; los bomberos lograron controlar el siniestro en 45 minutos


Police and firefighters inspect the scene outside a Covid-19 clinic after a fire broke out, in Tetovo, North Macedonia on September 8, 2021. - Ten people died in a fire Wednesday at a hospital treating coronavirus patients in North Macedonia, the country’s health minister said. The fire -- the cause of which is not yet known -- broke out in a Covid-19 clinic in Tetovo in the northwest of the Balkan country, health minister Venko Filipce wrote on Twitter. “A terrible accident has happened in Tetovo. At the moment, 10 people are confirmed to have died, but that number could rise,” he wrote, expressing his “profound condolences” to the victims’ families. (Photo by Arbnora MEMETI / AFP)



Police and firefighters inspect the scene outside a Covid-19 clinic after a fire broke out, in Tetovo, North Macedonia on September 8, 2021. - Ten people died in a fire Wednesday at a hospital treating coronavirus patients in North Macedonia, the country's health minister said. The fire -- the cause of which is not yet known -- broke out in a Covid-19 clinic in Tetovo in the northwest of the Balkan country, health minister Venko Filipce wrote on Twitter. "A terrible accident has happened in Tetovo. At the moment, 10 people are confirmed to have died, but that number could rise," he wrote, expressing his "profound condolences" to the victims' families. (Photo by Arbnora MEMETI / AFP)

Diez personas murieron la noche de este miércoles en un incendio en un hospital para enfermos de Covid-19 en Macedonia del Norte, informó el ministerio de Salud del país balcánico.

El fuego estalló en una clínica para Covid-19 en Tetovo, noroeste, escribió en Twitter el ministro de Salud, Venko Filipice. De momento se desconoce lo que provocó el incendio.

“Un terrible accidente ocurrió en Tetovo que costó numerosas vidas”, indicó el ministro. “Por el momento, 10 personas fueron confirmadas como muertas, pero el número podría subir”, agregó.

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El incendio fue notificado cerca de las 19:00 GMT a los bomberos, quienes dijeron haber logrado controlarlo en 45 minutos.

Macedonia, de dos millones de habitantes y con frágiles servicios de salud, registró últimamente un aumento en el número de contagios del coronavirus, con una treintena de muertos diarios.

En total, la pandemia ha dejado más de 6 mil 100 muertos en el país.


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