Asamblea de Venezuela juramenta a Tribunal alterno
La oposición venezolana tomó protesta a magistrados alternos a los en funciones, como presión para que Maduro suspenda la Asamblea Constituyente
The president and vice-president of Venezuela’s opposition-controlled National Assembly, Julio Borges (R) and Freddy Guevara respectively, swear judges named for a parallel supreme court in, in Caracas on July 21, 2017. Venezuela’s supreme court, which has systematically sided with President Nicolas Maduro to sideline the parliament, rejected a declaration by the legislature to name 33 judges for a parallel supreme court. The tribunal warned that opposition lawmakers risked charges of “usurption” for making that bid. The death toll in anti-government protests in the country since April has reached 100, prosecutors said Friday. / AFP PHOTO / Juan BARRETO
Caracas, Venezuela. La mayoría opositora de la Asamblea de Venezuela designó este viernes un tribunal supremo paralelo al actualmente en funciones, al que acusa de servir al gobierno, como parte de una escalada para obligar al presidente Nicolás Maduro a dar marcha atrás con su Asamblea Constituyente.