Advierten por página fake para tramitar actas de nacimiento

19 de Marzo de 2025

Advierten por página fake para tramitar actas de nacimiento

La forma de operar es solicitando los datos personales y un depósito en alguna tienda de conveniencia


In this photo illustration, a person looks at an Abortion Pill (RU-486) for unintended pregnancy from Mifepristone displayed on a computer on May 8, 2020, in Arlington, Virginia. - One week after Sally realized she was pregnant, her home state Texas temporarily banned abortions, deeming them unnecessary elective procedures that were suspended because of the coronavirus crisis.So, the 34-year-old, whose name has been changed for this story to protect her privacy, took matters into her own hands -- something she never would have considered in the past. Having split with her boyfriend, she decided to buy pills on the internet, and perform her own abortion at home. (Photo by Olivier DOULIERY / AFP)



In this photo illustration, a person looks at an Abortion Pill (RU-486) for unintended pregnancy from Mifepristone displayed on a computer on May 8, 2020, in Arlington, Virginia. - One week after Sally realized she was pregnant, her home state Texas temporarily banned abortions, deeming them unnecessary elective procedures that were suspended because of the coronavirus crisis.So, the 34-year-old, whose name has been changed for this story to protect her privacy, took matters into her own hands -- something she never would have considered in the past. Having split with her boyfriend, she decided to buy pills on the internet, and perform her own abortion at home. (Photo by Olivier DOULIERY / AFP)
Foto: AFP

Se alertó a la población de la Ciudad de México sobre un sitio web que supuestamente tramita en línea actas de nacimiento, ya que es utilizado para realizar fraudes y robo de datos personales al solicitar el supuesto documento.

La Secretaria de Seguridad Ciudadana de la capital del país publicó un comunicado en su cuenta oficial de Twitter, solicitó a la ciudadanía no dejarse engañar y en caso de detectar la página, dar aviso a la Policía Cibernética.

La dependencia señaló la forma de operar de esta página, en donde te piden los datos personales del solicitante con esto se da el robo y posteriormente se pide un depósito en alguna tienda de conveniencia.

Las únicas páginas encargadas donde se puede solicitar algún trámite son sitios web oficiales de las dependencias de los gobiernos estatales y federales encargados de dichos documentos. (Con información de Excélsior) OM